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For Learning | eRevision | Exam Practice | Setting Homework

Motivate students with varied, engaging activities & exam-style questions, based on the new GCSE, BTEC, OCR Nationals and A Level specifications
  • Fast and effective online interactive Learning & eRevision
  • Tailored to the specification and covering the entire specification
  • Includes Exam Practice with model answers
  • Differentiated content based on target grade
I was very impressed with how motivating & engaging it is!
J Ermina, Teacher & Peer Reviewer
  • 3-try system allows students to self-correct
  • Tailored to each student as they set their own Target Grade
  • 9 different interactive challenge types adds huge novelty promoting engagement

  • Progress Tracking Map!
  • Provides instant feedback & allows for 3 times faster learning than traditional exercises
  • Addictive qualities of eRevision leads to unexpected high achievement
My pupils adore this resource
L Godfrey, HoD & Happy Subscriber
“It was fun” | “I felt really engaged”
“It was an interesting way to revise”
D Lester, Teacher & Peer Reviewer
Motivate students with varied, engaging activities & exam-style questions, based on the new GCSE, BTEC, OCR Nationals and A Level specifications
  • No marking! ~ Integrated computer marking
  • Slots into any SoW
  • Interactive homework ~ Teacher oversight of student progress.
  • The content matched the spec and was accurate throughout
    C Hutchinson, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

All your homework set and marked!
P Knowles, Teacher & Happy Subscriber
The interactivity element is excellent and would appeal very much to the modern student
K Chanter, Teacher & Peer Reviewer
  • Easy set up!
  • Intuitive Class Tracking
  • Optional Parental Access
  • The system is user-friendly.
    The exercises are varied & fun.
    S Fleet, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

A great, intuitive system... My dept achieved the highest marks in the school & I believe we are in the top 5% nationally... eRevision helped the staff and students attain such impressive results
S Ravendran, HoD & Happy Subscriber
I have reviewed quite a lot of resources for you and this is the one I have wanted most
L Bird, HoD & Peer Reviewer
Delivers the course content in a no-nonsense manner
P Corner, Teacher & Happy Subscriber
The most enjoyable revision site yet
C Hutchinson, Teacher & Peer Reviewer
Students have spent more time on this revision site than any other due to its kinaesthetic nature and the instant feedback of answers
C Hutchinson, Teacher & Peer Reviewer
Easy to use, colourful and comprehensive
J Jaggs, Teacher & Happy Subscriber
Incredibly useful & relevant... a key revision tool for independent learning
L Bird, Teacher & Happy Subscriber
Many of my students are working far ahead of the others and the colour coding/percentages are an intrinsic motivation tool to get greens [pass] or 100%!
S Ravendran, HoD & Happy Subscriber

SPECIAL OFFER: Currently each and all packages of eRevision are free to individual students until 31/3/2025. We also have free offers available for schools.  See Discount code tab for more information.