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© eRevision.uk and ZigZag Education 2024

Privacy & GDPR Notice

ZigZag Education is an educational publisher and we are serious about protecting your privacy. We are registered with the ICO: https://ico.org.uk/ESDWebPages/Entry/ZA533143

This privacy notice is specific to eRevision (also available is the general ZigZag Education privacy notice). This privacy notice is intended to inform you about how we collect, use and share your personal information. It applies to information provided by you or collected by us, whether via our website or in any other way such as over the telephone.

Users agree to this privacy notice as part of the Terms and Conditions of Use of eRevision.

What information do we collect about you?

The eRevision system stores information about students, teachers and authors, such as names, email addresses, IP addresses, passwords, subjects, target grades, group membership, and package subscriptions. It also logs student activity answers and scores for the purpose of progress tracking and assessment. System error information may also be stored for the purpose of fixing errors. Also refer to our Cookies page.

Registering or signing in by using your Google or Microsoft accounts (single sign on)

If you sign in or register by using your Google or Microsoft accounts we will use and store the following information (if available):

We will only use this data for the purposes of registering your account with eRevision and for logging you in thereafter. The information is the same information we would request from you were you registering an account with us manually.

We do not provide Google and Microsoft with any of your data as part of this process, therefore Google and Microsoft are not sub-processors for the purposes of the DPA with you.

Who can access your information, and whom do we share it with?

Your information is accessible by ZigZag Education employees only for the specific purposes of administration (adding new packages and teachers), customer technical support, and programming (fixing bugs and adding new features); these ZigZag Education employees are under contract of confidentiality as per GDPR Article 28(3)(b).

If you have a school account, your data is accessible to the teachers registered to your school. The highest scores of a limited number of students are available to other students with the same package in the same school, unless your school has disabled this feature.

Your information is stored on a web server hosted by a company called Digital Ocean in the UK (see domaintools.com). We use PayPal and Worldpay to take payments. We use Mailchimp and Sendinblue to send emails. We use Google Analytics to monitor website traffic. When we use third parties, we take the appropriate measures to ensure they are also compliant with the GDPR and related regulations.

We do not pass on your details to anyone else.

How long do we keep your data for?

We periodically delete user accounts that have been inactive for over 5 years. Students who have signed up for their own packages can request for their details to be deleted at any time. Schools are responsible for and have the access to delete student and teacher data, and we will assist them with this.

What is the lawful basis for processing your information?

If you have signed up to use our services directly, or you have been signed up by an organisation you belong to, then we are processing your data on the basis of performance of contract, whether this is paid for or for free. As part of this we will send you service emails such as login reminders, periodic activity logs, feedback requests, and responding to issues.

We may inform you of other eRevision packages that are available (students) or other teaching resources that are available (teachers) on the basis of consent, where you have opted in to receive these messages from us. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time and each marketing message will have the functionality to allow you to do so.

Data security

It is our obligation to keep your data safe. We have technical, software, physical and administrative systems and procedures in place to protect your information. We make our best efforts to keep your personal information private, and if we are knowingly subject to a data breach then we will notify those affected without undue delay, as well as taking appropriate action. Any information you submit is sent at your own risk as the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. However once we have received your information we will use strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorised access.

Teacher Admins: the initial teacher associated with an order will be made a school administrator on eRevision. Additional administrators have to be authorised by an existing administrator before they can access student details. Administrators can add other teachers to give them access to students, groups and packages.

Credit card information

When you buy additional packages you are redirected to external websites PayPal (from eRevision.uk) and WorldPay (from zigzageducation.co.uk) where you enter your credit card details. At no time do we have access to your credit card data on our website. Your personal data (name, email, address, orderID, amount) are transferred to the credit card website to provide details of the purchase.

What rights do you have?

  1. The right to be informed: this Privacy Notice informs you of how we handle your data.
  2. The right of access: if you would like to see what data about you we handle, you can submit a Subject Access Request (SAR) to the contact details below.
  3. The right to rectification: if you would like us to correct any errors in your data, please let us know and we will update it accordingly.
  4. The right to erasure: if you would like us to erase any of your data, please ask us and we will be happy to erase it provided this does not conflict with our retention period or any legal requirement to retain it.
  5. The right to restrict processing: if you would like us to restrict the processing of your data, please let us know, and we shall cease to use it.
  6. The right to data portability: if you would like an output of your data that we are handling, you are able to print to export it. Please get in touch with us to request other formats.
  7. The right to object: if you would like to object to the processing of your data, for example, the sending of marketing communications, please use the unsubscribe link within the message, or contact us to request removal from our marketing list.
  8. Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling: we do not perform any fully automated-decision making.

You have the right to withdraw consent at any time. You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) if you feel we have not treated your information properly.

Supporting you as the Data Controller

In the case of school/organisation accounts, you are the Data Controller and we are the Data Processor. You can download the DPA (Data Processing Agreement) from the Terms and Conditions of Use page.

Links to external websites

Some eRevision packages contain links to other websites. This privacy notice only applies to this website; therefore, when you follow links to other websites, you should read their own privacy notices.

Changes to this privacy notice

This privacy notice will be reviewed and updated as needed, so please check back to see the latest version.

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy notice or how we handle your data: by email to privacy@zigzageducation.co.uk or write to us at Business Support, ZigZag Education, Unit 3, Greenway Business Centre, Doncaster Road, Bristol, BS10 5PY.

Last reviewed on 16th July 2020