BTEC Tech Award (Level 1/2): Sport (603/7068/3)

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Component 1: Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity
A: Types & provision of sport & physical activity for different participants
A1 Types and providers of sport and physical activities
A2 Types and needs of sport and physical activity participants
A3 Barriers to participation for different types of participant
A4 Methods to address barriers to participation
B: Equipment and technology required for participants when taking part in sport
B1 Different types of sports clothing and equipment required for participation
B2-B3 Different types of technology and their benefits and limitations
C: Preparing participants to take part in physical activity
C2-C3 Adapting & delivering a warm-up for different participants and activities
Component 2: Taking Part and Improving Other Participants' Sporting Performance
A: Different components of fitness for different physical activities
A1-A2 Components of physical and skill-related fitness
B: Participation in sport and the roles and responsibilities of officials
B1 Skills and strategies in isolated practices and competitive situations
B2 Officials and their roles and responsibilities in sport
C: Ways to improve participants' sporting techniques
C1-C2 Planning, organising, and supporting participants in practical drills
Component 3: Developing Fitness to Improve Participants' Performance in Sport
A: The importance of fitness for sports performance
A1 The importance of fitness for successful participation in sport
A2-A3 Fitness training principles and exercise intensity
B: Investigating fitness testing to determine fitness levels
B1 Importance of and requirements for administration of fitness testing
B2, B4 Fitness test methods and interpreting results for physical fitness
B3-B4 Fitness test methods and interpreting results for skill-related components
C: Investigating different fitness training methods
C2-C3 Training methods for components of physical and skill-related fitness
C1, C4 Requirements for each of the different fitness training methods
C5 Provision for taking part in fitness training methods
C6 Effects of long-term fitness training on the body systems
D: Investigating fitness programming to improve fitness and sports performance
D1-D2 Personal information to aid the fitness training programme design
D3 Motivational techniques for fitness programming


    Passed |     Failed |     Passed at a lower level | * This is an equivalent score which is calculated based on an attempt at a lower level

Note: For activities where the content is the same at all levels, your highest score is shown with no adjustment and no asterisk, no matter what level the attempt was made at. Whether it is a pass or a fail is determined by the passmark for your current level.

Disclaimer: you and your teacher are responsible for ensuring that you are covering the right information and to the right depth. We also recommend that you use an up-to-date copy of the specification from your examination board's website.

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