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A1 Types and providers of sport and physical activities Typeit

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Most of us have participated in sport, but many may be unaware of the different sectors that we have participated within. All sports provision falls under one of three sectors: voluntary, public and private. There are many advantages and disadvantages to each of these sectors which may explain people's reasons for and against participating in each one.

provision - This sector is made up of not-for- organisations, such as Sport England and local authorities, who collectively aim to increase participation rates across the whole UK population.
  • Low cost of participation as memberships and admission charges are heavily to encourage participation
  • Increases mass through school provision, giving all pupils the opportunity to try out sports
  • Wide range of sporting opportunities available to allow people to try out different activities
  • Funding usually covers the bare minimum, meaning that facilities are often basic and equipment is often cheap, limited in range, and out-
  • Many facilities and equipment may restrict access to certain groups, e.g. basic swimming facilities may lack a pool for people with disabilities who struggle with steps into the pool
  • Additional products and services (e.g. refreshment facilities) are likely to be low priority on the budget
provision - This sector is made up organisations that seek to maximise by tailoring sport and fitness provision around the public needs, in order to attract as many paying members as possible.
  • Sports and physical activities are specific for individual needs. For example, many facilities are able to put on fitness classes that members request.
  • Equipment is wide-ranging and incorporates the newest technological advancements
  • There are often extra products and services available, such as a in a fitness centre where children can be supervised, or access to sports therapists at an elite club for treatments to injuries
  • Memberships can be very , which may be a barrier to participation among low socio-economic groups
  • Some centres can be socially discriminative, such as tennis clubs, which have an image of exclusivity
provision - This sector is run by people who have an interest in a particular sport and want to provide opportunities for local people from all backgrounds to participate and compete. 
  • A range of sports are often available within the local area for a wide range of people with different interests to participate
  • Cost of participation is  as it is run by people who aren't looking to make a profit
  • Grants access to additional services, such as an individual approach to training and improving personal skills
  • Some clubs may still exclude some groups; for example, there are a lot more opportunities for males than there are for
  • Some clubs may not be able to continue running without enough funding; for example, if people don't pay fees then the club might not be able to afford facility hire for training
  • The life circumstances of volunteers might change, making it more difficult for them to give up their to run clubs

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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