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OCR Cambridge Nationals (Level 1/2): Sport Studies (J803/J813: Unit R051)

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R051: Contemporary Issues in Sport
LO1: Issues affecting participation in sport
Barriers to user groups (ethnic minorities)
Barriers to user groups (disabilities)
Barriers to user groups (unemployed / economically disadvantaged)
Barriers to user groups (children and teenagers)
Barriers to user groups (families with young children and single parents)
Barriers to user groups (working singles and couples)
Barriers to user groups (over 50s)
Factors influencing the popularity of sport in the UK
LO2: Role of sport in promoting values
Sporting behaviour and etiquette
LO3: Importance of hosting major sporting events
LO4: The role of national governing bodies (NGBs)

Disclaimer: you and your teacher are responsible for ensuring that you are covering the right information and to the right depth. We also recommend that you use an up-to-date copy of the specification from your examination board's website.

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