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Barriers to user groups (ethnic minorities) MatchUp

Target Level
Running Total
1 of 3

Drag each of the top boxes to its matching pair to demonstrate the specific solutions which aim to overcome the barriers faced by different ethnic minority groups in sport. You must match all the pairs before clicking ‘Check’.

Community initiatives which aim to bring together people of all backgrounds.
Increased education in treating all people equally irrespective of their background or appearance.
Programming a more diverse range of sporting activities that cater for everyone.
Targeted promotion by advertising in communities that are made up of a large proportion of people from ethnic minorities.
Design of the burkini to respect female Islamic traditions.
Providing activities appropriate to people with health conditions.
Having translated adverts in line with the diverse range of nationalities within a local area.
Increasing coverage of sportspeople from a range of ethnicities.
Concessionary memberships at most not-for-profit leisure centres.
Low disposable income.
Feeling of being segregated from majority ethnic groups in the local area.
Lack of awareness of activity provision in the local area.
Appropriate clothing for swimming.
Language barriers.
Increased risk of health issues such as hypertension.
Lack of ethnic role models.
Lack of specific activity provision.

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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