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1.1 The impact of new and emerging technologies (Edit) Typeit

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New technologies can help companies to reduce the amount of they are producing. This can help to reduce the negative effect they are having on the . Transportation is needed during the product life cycle at almost every stage. This has its effects as is still the primary source of powering vehicles. Reducing transportation and making packaging can help reduce this effect.   It is important to regulate how much is being created during the of a product, so this can be monitored and reduced when needed. the amount of waste can be done by using methods such as , and by incorporating the . , for example, is an ideal method to reduce the wastage produced, as well as improving the of a process. Waste material can be put straight back into the production line and , instead of being thrown away. can be achieved if the correct systems have been set up. using recycling bins is a way of doing this. These bins make it easier for a waste management service to collect a single waste stream for it to be recovered.

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