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Human Sexual Relationships Typeit

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is the term which refers to sexual and romantic attraction to people of the opposite sex exclusively. is the term which refers to sexual and romantic attraction to both males and females. is the term which refers to sexual and romantic attraction to people of the same sex. is a legal or religious union between two people which commits them to one another in an exclusive, monogamous relationship, upholding vows they will have made on their wedding day. Often, this is a union from which families are made and within many religions is considered the ideal context for relationships to take place. Some people practice , which is not having sex outside the context of marriage. This might involve waiting until marriage to have sex, or if one never marries, choosing to never have sex. Some people choose to have sex marriage as they do not believe there is any need to wait until marriage, due to various circumstances or reasons specific to the individual or influenced by their society. One important aspect of sexuality to consider is what is considered within a country's laws governing sexual behaviour. In the UK, there is a specific age before which an individual is not considered old enough to make the informed choice to engage in a sexual relationship. This is known as the . In the UK this is years old.

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