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Plot Summary Reorder

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1 of 3

Drag and drop the boxes into the correct order. This quiz is based on AO1.

  • Jane goes to work as a governess at Thornfield.
  • Jane finds out that Mr Rochester has lost a hand and been blinded. She goes to him and he proposes. They are married soon after.
  • Jane discovers that she has inherited twenty thousand pounds from her uncle from Madeira. As it turns out, the Rivers are Jane's cousins and Jane is happy to share her inheritance with them.
  • Jane meets Mr Rochester.
  • Jane returns to her aunt's house after learning that her cousin John had died and her aunt is seriously ill. Mrs Reed dies and Jane returns to Thornfield.
  • Mr Rochester declares his love for Jane and asks her to marry him.
  • Jane returns to Thornfield and finds it has been destroyed by a fire.
  • Jane saves Mr Rochester when his bed is on fire.
  • Jane meets the Rivers and stays with them temporarily.
  • Mrs Reed sends Jane to Lowood School.
  • Jane thinks she hears Mr Rochester calling for her.
  • We meet Jane while she is living with her aunt, Mrs Reed.
  • Jane leaves Thornfield.
  • Jane and Mr Rochester are about to be married when Briggs, a solicitor, announces that Mr Rochester is already married and his wife, Bertha, is still at Thornfield.

This is your 1st attempt! The marking algorithm gives more marks for getting the right order first time.

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