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Plot Summary Reorder

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1 of 3

Drag and drop the boxes into the correct order.

  • Scrooge has Christmas dinner with his nephew's family.
  • Scrooge promises Bob Cratchit that he will raise his salary and 'endeavour to assist your struggling family'. Tiny Tim doesn't die and Scrooge becomes a second father to him. 
  • Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Present.
  • Scrooge is shown how different people react to his death.
  • Scrooge is taken to the place where he grew up and visits his old school. We learn that he was 'a solitary child, neglected by his friends'.
  • Scrooge sees how much fun Christmas is at his nephew's house.
  • Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
  • Scrooge is shown Ignorance and Want and we see that he is beginning to learn the lessons of the ghosts: '"Have they no refuge or resource?" cried Scrooge'.
  • It is Christmas morning and Scrooge is a changed man.
  • We learn that Scrooge was once engaged, but his fiancée called off the engagement as a 'golden' idol had 'displaced' her.
  • We are introduced to the Ghost of Christmas Past.
  • Scrooge buys the prize turkey for the Cratchits.
  • In Scrooge's house, bells start to ring and Marley's Ghost appears.
  • We learn that Scrooge is 'a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner' who thinks that Christmas is 'a time for paying bills without money'.
  • Scrooge learns what the Cratchit family think of him: 'an odious, stingy, hard, unfeeling man'.
  • Scrooge sees Marley's face in the door knocker.

This is your 1st attempt! The marking algorithm gives more marks for getting the right order first time.

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