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Constitution Manifesto Promises MatchUp

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Drag each of the top boxes to its matching pair. You must match all the pairs before clicking ‘Check’.

Plaid Cymru
Scottish National Party
Liberal Democrats
Green Party
Brexit Party
Repeal Fixed Term Parliament Act.Introduce requirement for proof of voter identity at polling stations.Review constitution relationship between Parliament and the courts.
Repeal Fixed Term Parliament Act.Reduce voting age to 16.Voter registration to be automatic.Stop MPs taking extra paid jobs.Introduce a lobbying register.
Reduce voting age to 16.Have a written constitution.STV system for electing MPs.Elect House of Lords.More power decentralised to local and regional bodies.
Devolve more powers to Scotland including employment law, drug policy, immigration and broadcasting.Replace FPTP with STV. Reduce voting age to 16. Abolish House of Lords.
Devolve more taxation powers to cover VAT, air passenger duty and corporation tax.
Replace FPTP with PR.Fully elect House of Lords.Reduce voting age to 16.Introduce system of state funding for political parties.
Abolish unelected House of Lords.Reform voting system to PR. Referendums to take place on any issue for which at least 5m citizens sign a petition.

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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