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Mood Boards, Mind Maps and Visualisation Diagrams MatchUp

Target Level
Running Total
1 of 3

Drag each of the top boxes to its matching pair. You must match all the pairs before clicking ‘Check’.

Visualisation Diagram
Digital Mood Board
Physical Mood Board
A collage of existing images, sketches or illustrations designed to offer inspiration in the early stages of a creative project. These will likely be produced on notice boards, cards, A3 paper etc.
A collage of existing images, sketches or illustrations designed to offer inspiration in the early stages of a creative project. These will likely be produced on a software application
A code easily read by a machine usually situated in the bottom corner of certain media products e.g. magazine covers, DVD covers
A graphic symbol or design which represents the identity of a particular brand or company
The rough sketch or final draft created in order to illustrate what a final media product is intended to look like. This can be hand drawn or created digitally
Notes, comments and points of analysis written on a pre-production document to improve the reader’s understanding
Represents the main theme or idea that the mind-map/spider diagram is built around
A point on a mind-map/spider diagram that directly extends from the node and provides more detailed information about the central theme or idea
The lines used to connect nodes and sub-nodes

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

Pass Mark