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1.1 Media Industry Sectors and Products MatchUp

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1 of 3

Drag each of the top boxes to its matching pair. You must match all the pairs before clicking ‘Check’.

New media
Print publishing
Comic and graphic novels
Traditional media
Transport information screens
Virtual reality
Computer games
This uses moving images that are used in many places such as television programmes.
When listening to a book being read to you, what is the voice-over known as?
This product needs a headset to give a full experience.
This sector of the media industry uses a combination of special effects. video, audio and VR.
eBooks are a new type of media.  What are they competitive with?
Film, television. radio and print publishing are examples of what?
Computer games, interactive media, Internet and digital publishing are examples of what?
What gives websites an interactive element?
Multimedia is used in many areas of our lives.  What is one area?
What can be both print and digital publishing?

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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