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EQ1: Why are some locations more at risk from tectonic hazards? MatchUp

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1 of 3

Drag each of the top boxes to its matching pair. You must match all the pairs before clicking ‘Check’.

Rift valleys and old fault lines
300-700 km
0-70 km
Rift valley
Ocean ridges
Young fold mountains
Formed at the collision between two continental plates, where the plates are forced upwards rather than one being subducted (same density).
Land formation where two continental plates break apart, forming a deep scar on the landscape with escarpments as material falls down.
Formation when two plates spread apart underwater and the ocean floor rises as lava builds up the new oceanic crust.
Volcanoes located at destructive boundaries where lava is from melted crust, is sticky and explosive, and forms tall masses of ash and solidified lava.
Low-rise volcanoes at constructive boundaries where runny lava easily flows away from the vent from effusive eruptions.
The crust that we're standing on – thick (35–40 km thick on average) and of low density – but very old and made of granite.
Thin (only 7–10 km thick) and young crust made of high-density basalt and gabbro – underwater and forms at ridges as plates spread apart.
Location of intra-plate earthquakes.
Depth of deep-focus earthquake.
Depth of shallow-focus earthquake.
Area within the ground where earthquakes are generated.

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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