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How do climate systems function, change, and cause hazards? (a) MatchUp

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1 of 3

Click on a top box, then click on its match below. Or, drag a top box and drop it onto the correct match. Match all pairs before clicking ‘Check’.

From about 950 AD to about 1250 AD, the temperature in the northern hemisphere increased
Annual growth pattern of a tree showing the development of wide bands of early (spring) wood and late (summer) wood
A long cylinder of ice drilled out in Antarctica, Greenland and other ice sheets
Suggest that the climate was cold or dry in those years
Gas trapped inside ice cores, used to determine past temperature
Suggest that the temperature was warm, or the years were wetter
Period of geological time spanning the past 2.588 million years
All examples of historical sources
Long-term cooling of the Earth associated with the advance of significant ice volume towards the equator
A warmer period between ice ages when ice retreats (melts back) towards the poles
Medial Warm Period
Glacial period
Ice core
Tree rings
Carbon dioxide
Narrow growth rings
Wide growth rings
Paintings, diaries and data sets

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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