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1.1.1 The dynamic nature of business MatchUp

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Running Total
1 of 3

Click on a top box, then click on its match below. Or, drag a top box and drop it onto the correct match. Match all pairs before clicking ‘Check’.

These are intangible goods that businesses provide for paying customers; for example, banking or insurance. 

Original ideas
Consumer tastes
Identify the term: products and services that consumers desire, which businesses try to fulfil
Identify the term: the physical output of businesses.
Outline what services are, and give an example. 
Identify a technological object that has created lots of new opportunities for business.
Identify the term: trends that influence the popularity of goods and services.
Identify the term: When products become ____________, it creates opportunities for new products.
Identify the term: the products of the creative brains of enterprising people.
Identify the term: what technology does that creates opportunities for businesses.
Identify the term: people who use the things that businesses create.

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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