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Economy Manifesto Promises MatchUp
Running Total
1 of 3
Match up the Economy Manifesto Promises below by dragging the boxes (at the top) and dropping them into the corresponding boxes below. You need to match all of the boxes before you can check your answers. You have three attempts to get all the answers right, but answering each one correctly first time will get you more marks!
Scottish National Party
Liberal Democrats
Plaid Cymru
Brexit Party
Green Party
Invest £100bn in extra infrastructure spending over 5 years.Reduce business rates once a review of the system has been completed.
Nationalisation of energy, rail, mail and water sectors, and part of BT.£400bn on infrastructure investment over 10 years (£275bn over 5 years).£10/hr real living wage.Listed companies must have one third of their board as employees and a share of profits
£50bn ‘remain bonus’ to be invested in public sector.20% increase in minimum wage for workers on zero-hours contracts.
Increase paid maternity and paternity leave.Statutory living wage raised to level of real living wage.Increase worker representation on company boards.
£15bn to be allocated to create tens of thousands of ‘green jobs’.Publicly owned full-fibre broadband by 2025.
Introduce universal basic income of £89/week for all to replace most social benefit payments.
Maintain subsidies and grants paid by EU to UK businesses