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Plot Summary GapFill

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Act I

Act I has five scenes and the time frame is . Act I opens with  and closes with . The most important event in Act I is .

Act II

Act II has six scenes and the time frame is Sunday–Monday. Act II opens with Romeo climbing over the wall into Capulet's orchard and closes with . The most important event in Act II is .


Act III has scenes and the time frame is Monday–Tuesday. Act III opens with  and closes with Juliet bidding farewell to Romeo, arguing with her parents over her planned marriage to Paris and considering suicide. The most important events in Act III are the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt, the banishment of Romeo, and Romeo and Juliet considering that they would prefer to die than be separated.

Act IV

Act IV has four scenes and the time frame is Tuesday–Wednesday. Act IV opens with and closes with . The most important event in Act IV is Juliet taking the potion to make herself appear dead.

Act V

Act V has three scenes and the time frame is Wednesday–Thursday. Act V opens with  and closes with . The most important event in Act V is .

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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