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3.1.1 New and emerging technologies GapFill

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The Industrial Revolution resulted in changes in the economy and the manufacturing industry mainly because of  crowdfundingautomationmore computersmore workers.

Enterprises are important for the economy in that they provide countless jobs in new and emerging industries. New enterprises often raise money or capital by  CADlean manufacturingcrowdfundingselling their house. Sustainability in the manufacturing industry is crucial and many companies are now starting to make much greater use of  non-finite resourcesfinite resourcescoaloil.

Manufacturing companies must be aware of the needs of consumers when using new and emerging technologies in products. They continue to develop new products to meet changing  climatesfaithsracesfashions and  ethicsreligionstrendsbeliefs. However,  the environmentlead timestrendsetterspollution can delay very quick responses to ever changing consumer needs.

New and emerging technologies are also changing the way in which we make products.  CADPlanned obsolescenceEnterpriseJIT combines  softwarelaser cuttingprintersCAD and computer hardware to design, develop and test products. CAM allows computers to convert digital drawings into  codesmachines3D printersrobots which control machines to make component parts. One major disadvantage of CAM is that it  has high set-up costsis very accuratenever breaks downoffers greater flexibility.

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