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A1 Physical development GapFill

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Growth and development are different concepts.  Growth refers to an increase in  abilitiesdevelopmentstrengthquantity; for example, children grow  nicerluckierhappiertaller and increase in weight as they get older.  This happens continuously until the individual is fully grown.  However, although it is  essentialcontinuousunambitiousenormous there are times when the pace of growth is faster than others.  When there is a period of growth, this is known as a growth  hormonespurtcontrolbreak.  There is a difference in the growth of each  personagegroupgender and in the growth of different parts of the body.  The principle of growth is that growth is an increase in some measured quantity, such as  heightcentimetresdevelopmentmetres, weight or other body dimensions.

As well as growth, other changes occur as we mature.  Development refers to how complex changes occur that create an increase in skills and  understandingabilitiesstrengthknowledge.  Every individual is unique and develops at their own rate, but there are some key principles of development that occur in the same way for every infant.  The first two principles include that development happens in the same way for every infant.  The first two principles include that development happens from head to  facekneeankletoe and from inside out.  This means that an infant will control their  abilitiesskillsheademotions and upper body first before their lower body.  They will control their  legstempertorsoemotions before their outer limbs.  The other two principles are that development happens in the same  processbodyperiodsequence but at different rates, and that each area of development is dependent on another, which means that development is  fastslowincreasedholistic.

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