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The Project Life Cycle and Initial Considerations GapFill

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The project life cycle outlines the processes that should be followed when undertaking a project to give it the best chance of producing a product that meets as many of the client's requirements as possible.

The project life cycle consists of four stages...

Project initiation is the first phase, during which the requirements of the product, resources available and any are considered in order to determine whether or not the project should go ahead. The second stage of the project life cycle, , is where the various tasks that need to be carried out will be determined (along with establishing suitable milestones) - and the designs for the product will be drawn up.  Execution is the third stage - this involves both production and of the actual product.  is where the final product is released, the user documentation is created, and the success of the project is reviewed.

However, the project should not only be assessed at this final stage -  reviews should occur throughout the project life cycle. Each stage of the project life cycle requires some sort of before it can begin, and produces an which is usually used by the next stage of the cycle.

During the initial stage of the project, you must consider the (the needs of the client, and what they want the final product to do), the (the restrictions on the product, such as its , that limit what the project is able to accomplish), and the potential facing the project and how to mitigate them. From this you can create goals, objectives for the project that are: specific (clear and unambiguous); (have some way in which the success of the goal can be assessed); achievable (can actually be accomplished); (can be achieved when taking the project's limitations and resources into consideration); and can be accomplished in a reasonable time. These goals can then be assessed by creating , which are used to determine whether or not the project has achieved what it intended to do.

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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