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1.1 The role of business enterprise and entrepreneurship GapFill

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Businesses can be categorised according to the sector they operate in. A mining business operates in the  secondarypublictertiaryprimary sector, whilst a manufacturing business is in the secondary sector, and a hairdresser is in the  privatesecondarypublictertiary sector. Some businesses, such as Dyson, are in more than one sector. In this case, as Dyson both manufactures its products and sells them to customers, it is in the secondary and tertiary sectors. 

An entrepreneur is someone who starts a new business. A key characteristic of such a person is that they are  cautiouswell educateda risk-takerpopular, since the success of a new business cannot be guaranteed. Reasons for becoming an entrepreneur vary, but it is unlikely to be due to  preferring to be an employeewanting to be their own bossmoneyambition. Entrepreneurs are important to the economy because they can create  employment opportunitiesreputationadvertisingbusiness in the area they set up in. 

Businesses and their owners face constant change. For example, adjustments to the national minimum wage is an example of a change in  rulesrequirementstechnologylegislation. Businesses cannot ignore this. They should also be mindful of the local community and not create  spacepollutionadvertisingjobs as this is not acceptable, especially if their business activity involves manufacturing  administrationstaffservicesproducts which may create noise.

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