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Protein GapFill

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Proteins are organic macromolecules built from , bound together into long chains.There are about 20 different amino acids which can combine to make a molecule of protein. Some of the amino acids can be built by the body from scratch – for this reason they are called 'dispensable'. If an amino acid cannot be built by the body from scratch, it is called amino acid and has to be provided as a part of a healthy diet.

There are essential amino acids and if they are all present in a molecule of protein, such protein is called a complete protein and has a . If one or more of the amino acids is missing, the protein is considered protein.

Protein allows us to combine two or more sources of low biological value proteins to make a  protein. An example of this is . Complete proteins occur mostly in , but also in and .

Proteins are necessary to build , enzymes and hormones. They can also be used as a source of energy – this means that they are only used as a source of energy if other sources (carbohydrates and fats) are not available.

If a person eats too little protein, they may develop a disease called . Too much protein can also be harmful for the body, causing harm to the liver and the kidneys.

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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