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1.1 Media Industry Sectors and Products GapFill

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In all parts of our lives we are surrounded by media in different  sectorsdesignstraditionsformats.

Film is an example of  traditionalinefficientoldsector media. Along with film, this media includes television, print publishing and  radiocomputer gamesaudiowebsites. We encounter print publishing everywhere we go, whether on billboards by the side of the road or  newspaperswallpaperwebsitescomputer games in our homes.

As technology has evolved we now have new media especially on  the radiothe televisionthe Internet of Thingsthe Internet.

Computer games use a variety of products, including animation, special effects and  colourtextmusicgraphic novels. It is now expected that organisations use social media and  special effectswebsitesappsvideo to promote themselves and their products.

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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