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Atomic structure GapFill

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All matter is made up of , which come in different types, called , represented using symbols which can be found on the . John Dalton developed his atomic theory, which stated that .

Over time, different scientists have developed new models of the atom. These include:

  • the plum pudding model, where the atom is a ball of positive charge with dotted around...
  • Rutherford's model - the model - based on the observations of scattering...
  • Niels Bohr's model, where electrons orbit the ...
  • and James Chadwick's model, where neutrons are also in the nucleus

Different particles have different masses and charges. Protons (positive particles) and neutrons (neutral particles) have a mass of , and electrons (negative particles) have a very small mass. The relative atomic mass of an atom is the weighted average mass of all of the element's .

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