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How do climate systems function, change, and cause hazards? (a) GapFill

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Some people say that the recent rises in global temperature are due to activity. This is because the in temperature matches the rise of gases in the atmosphere. These people say that it is because humans have burnt such as coal and oil. This has released into the atmosphere. This has created a blanket over the Earth that lets in solar but traps it in the Earth's atmosphere making the world heat up. They predict that the Earth's temperature may by up to 2.5°C in the next 50 years. Other people take a different view. They say that the Earth's climate has been changing and that the recent rise in global temperature is a natural occurrence. These people say that 98% of greenhouse gases come from sources so humans cannot be blamed. They consider that the changes in temperature may be due to the intensity of activity. The problem is that the data is very to interpret and computer models are only predictions of . The period of the last 2.6 million years is called the , which is split into two epochs starting with the Pleistocene, and more recently (just over the last 11 and a half thousand years) called the Holocene. During this period, there has been a fluctuation in global temperatures. There have been periods of snowball Earth - called or glacial periods, and warmer periods called interglacial periods. During glacial periods, ice expands from the towards the equator. While there is a long-term cooling trend throughout the period, the Earth is currently rather warm!

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