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1: Text Types Categorise

Target Level
Running Total
1 of 1

Organise the items below into their correct category.



This text does not have a target audience.
This text is persuasive.
This text is formal in style.
This text's slogan is 'We believe in style and substance.'
Bold is used in this text to emphasise the point being made.
The image and the words show us the purpose of the text.
This text is promotional.
The purpose of the text is clear from the image alone.
This text is informal in style.
The text says that the laptop isn't the most efficient on the planet.
The heading shows us the purpose of the text.
The text says that the laptop is the most efficient on the planet.
This text has lots of specific detail about the product.
This text is argumentative.
This text has some specific detail about the product.

This is your 1st attempt! You get 1 marks for each one you get right first time. Good luck!

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