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How do climate systems function, change, and cause hazards? (a) Categorise

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1 of 1

Click on an item, then click on a category to place it. Or, drag and drop the item into the correct category. Organise all items before clicking 'Check'.

Natural causes of climate change
Human causes of climate change

Agricultural emissions of greenhouse gases, including ploughing, rice farming, livestock emissions, and fertiliser use
A combination of the three - Milankovitch Cycles
Tilt of the Earth's axis
Emissions of CO₂ - greatest effect in the past
Dust released into the atmosphere by asteroid collision with Earth
Changes to solar activity - sunspots
Changes to the Earth's orbit (eccentricity)
Electricity production
Car exhausts
Land use changes
Volcanic activity - solar dimming from dust and aerosols
The Earth's wobble (procession)
Treating sewage
Combustion of fossil fuels

This is your 1st attempt! You get 1 marks for each one you get right first time. Good luck!

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