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A1 Physical development Categorise

Target Level
Running Total
1 of 3

Organise the items below into their correct category.

1 month old
3 months old
6 months old
1 year old
2 years old

Can raise head and chest.
Can roll over from back to stomach and vice versa.
Can pick up and carry large toys.
Make jerky arm movements.
Can crawl.
Can use the pincer grasp (between thumb and forefinger).
Can use furniture to 'cruise'.
Can begin to run.
Can sit up without assistance.
Can open and shut hands to hold an object briefly.
Can pull self up to stand alone for a brief period.
Can throw objects.
Can transfer objects between hands.
Can draw simple shapes (circles).
Can stretch legs out and kick when lying on back or front.
Can walk alone without support.
Can lift their head slightly.
Develops grasp reflex to grab and hold finger.
Can sit up for a short period of time.

This is your 1st attempt! You get 5 marks for each one you get right first time. Good luck!

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