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© eRevision.uk and ZigZag Education 2024

eRevision - the perfect revision solution

What's the problem?

Students don't generally do efficient structured revision

·         Often sit down to revise a subject and don't have a plan of exactly what to do

·         End up doing ineffectual strategies such as reading, re-writing and highlighting

·         Don't diagnose weakness and focus on those

·         Lack of motivation before completing revision


For teachers this means some students don't achieve their potential grade.



How does eRevision solve the problem?


·         Gives a clear structure to revision covering every subtopic on the syllabus

·         Efficient methodology including recap (gapfill), revision and exam style questions

·         Multiple exercise styles make connections in the brain in different ways so knowledge sticks

·         Keeps up motivation with quick instant-marked exercises, and overall progress grid turns green as all tasks are completed

·         At the end, progress grid shows exercises not passed to identify difficult topics



Why is eRevision the best solution for students?


1.      Better than books/paper revision as it's much quicker to work through all syllabus content and identify weaknesses.  Self-marking progress grid.

2.      Specifically matched to syllabus and every subtopic

3.      Content is written by specialists, reviewed by specialists, worked through by graduates and proofread.

4.      Internal team monitor any reported content issues or bugs and syllabus changes from the exam board.



Additional benefits for teachers/schools


·         Track student/class progress

·         Use for homework setting, marketing & reporting

·         Bulk user pricing

·         Content all by ZigZag Education – established publisher or high quality content matching the GCSE, BTEC and A Level specifications.



Other features of note

·         Targeted questions depending on your target grade band (so students aiming for a 4/5/C don't waste time on A*/9 questions)

·         A ‘3-try’ system challenges you to engage with the Q&As and improves learning

Powered by ZigZag Education, eRevision is an interactive online platform designed to motivate GCSE and A Level students and boost exam success.

Find out more about how eRevision can help you revise or see the list of subjects available.