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1.1 The role of business enterprise and entrepreneurship MatchUp

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Click on a top box, then click on its match below. Or, drag a top box and drop it onto the correct match. Match all pairs before clicking ‘Check’.

Financial loss
Items that customers want but do not need
A gap in the market
Market research
Risk-taker, innovative, creative and hard-working
The entrepreneur provides something that can be kept by the customer, e.g. a sofa
The entrepreneur provides something that cannot be touched or saved, e.g. a haircut
Business plan
Entrepreneurs have many characteristics. What are they?
An entrepreneur carries out research to decide what product or service to offer. This refers to finding what?
If an entrepreneur provides an intangible service, what does this mean?
If an entrepreneur provides tangible products, what does this mean?
An entrepreneur who builds a business based on something unique that they have created may be described as this
A key risk to an entrepreneur, if the business fails
A method used to check whether a business idea will be popular with potential customers
Document produced by an entrepreneur at the start of their business
Customers have the confidence to spend money. What type of product will an entrepreneur be able to sell them?
Entrepreneurs start businesses because they believe this will outweigh the risk

This is your 1st attempt! You get 3 marks for each one you get right. Good luck!

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